Care at Urology Partners

We're in this together. Our comprehensive services provide the support you need.

At Urology Partners, you don’t just have one physician, you have a whole care team. Our team consists of specialists from different medical disciplines who collaborate to create your personalized treatment plan. We offer an environment that encourages communication and collaboration among the entire care team, resulting in the highest-quality care.

How We Personalize Your Care

It's exciting to have urology experts in our community who work with other experts all in the same building to give me the best care possible. "


How we can help

Conditions and Treatments

Though men and women share similar urological problems, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney stones, some disorders are unique to men or women.  We provide advanced and specialized urologic care for both men & women.


MR Technology is fast, safe and convenient. The Promaxo MRI System uniquely combines several technologies and pushes the boundaries of medical imaging by encapsulating high-quality MR imaging into a small form factor with a low magnetic field. Learn how it works in this quick video.


A proven approach to treating BPH that lifts and holds enlarged prostate tissue out of the way, so it no longer blocks the urethra. Learn how Urolift works by watching this video.


Treat BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) without surgery, drugs, and their side effects. See how Rezum works by viewing this page.


If you’ve found that your bladder is controlling you more than you’re controlling it, you could have a medical condition called Overactive Bladder, or OAB. And despite what you may have heard, it’s not an inevitable part of the aging process, and it’s not something you should “just have to live with.” The Medtronic Interstim™ System can help.


Learn more about this advanced, minimally invasive robotic treatment for BPH. Learn more about aquablation therapy.


COMING SOON – Drug-free, noninvasive GAINSWave® is revolutionizing the treatment of ED. If you’re struggling with ED, we can help you enjoy sex again with this fast and pain-free treatment.

GAINSWave® for Her is a revolutionary procedure that uses low-intensity sound waves (also referred to as acoustic wave therapy) to restore sensation and natural lubrication.

Visit this page to learn more about GAINSWave.

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